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800 Google Review

Octopus 900

Octopus 900 ThumbnailAddressing all major perimetry needs, the Octopus 900 is the perimeter of choice for anyone who wants diagnostic flexibility to analyze, assess and track patients’ visual fields. It makes it possible to run standard central and peripheral visual fields with minimum test duration, seamlessly integrated into your practice environment. This supports high patient throughput and effective practice management. With its built-in reliability features, the Octopus 900 is easy-to-use and delivers results you can trust.

Full-field standard white-on-white perimetry

The Octopus 900 performs standard white-on-white threshold testing in just 2–4 minutes in the central visual field. Due to its 90 degree cupula, full 180-degree peripheral testing is possible. This allows for disability testing, including ptosis examination, as well as binocular driving tests.

Reliable results made easy

Worry less about patient compliance. The Octopus900 automatically recognizes any fixation losses and adjusts patients accordingly until optimal test conditions are achieved. Thus, the Octopus 900 produces results you can always trust.

True Goldmann Kinetic perimetry

With the Octopus 900, kinetic vectors can be defined anywhere and with all the characteristics available in the Manual Goldmann perimeter. Additionally, user-defined templates help generate fast and reproducible results when defining standard isopters and mapping the blind spot, as well as for ptosis, driving and disability examinations.

Call New Boston Vision Center on 740-370-6650 to schedule an eye exam with our New Boston optometrist. Alternatively, book an appointment online here CLICK FOR AN APPOINTMENT